The Dark Forest (Rememberance of Earth's Past #2) by Cixin Liu
Audacious and compelling, but also frustrating in parts and there’s a real lack of character development. If you read the first novel in the series, you’ve an idea of what you’re in for.
If you read the first novel and liked it, you’re almost certain to love this one. It picks up the huge cliffhanger from the first novel, and it handles it brilliantly. It also has more than its fair share of interesting ideas, and plenty of interesting physics.
One other fly in the ointment: as other reviews have noted this is a book filled almost exclusively with male characters and its treatment of women is quite chauvinistic. After the strong female characters in the first novel, that was a bit of an unwelcome surprise.
- This review is a cross-post of my review on Goodreads